The magic of nature: Fermentation increases the benefits of plant based cosmetics

We're super excited about fermentation, and we're not alone. There's a world of people waking up to the magic of nature, rediscovering the benefits of natural processes and experiencing how we thrive as a species when we live more in harmony with our environment.

Our plant-based skin care and hair care products are created using a cold fermentation extraction process. This method significantly enhances plant-based products through various mechanisms, including increased bioavailability of nutrients, production of beneficial metabolites, and improved product stability and efficacy.

Bioavailability of Nutrients

Fermentation breaks down complex compounds present in plant extracts into simpler, more bioavailable forms. This process often involves the action of enzymes and beneficial microorganisms like bacteria. For example, fermenting plant extracts rich in vitamins or antioxidants can release these compounds in a more usable form for the skin. Enhanced bioavailability means that the skin can more effectively absorb and utilize these nutrients, resulting in improved skincare benefits.

Production of Bioactive Metabolites

During fermentation, microorganisms can produce bioactive metabolites such as peptides, organic acids, and enzymes. These metabolites can have direct benefits for the skin. For instance, fermentation of plant extracts can generate peptides with skin-rejuvenating properties, organic acids that support the skin's pH balance, or enzymes that aid in exfoliation or skin cell turnover. These bioactive compounds contribute to the overall efficacy and functionality of skincare products.

Increased Antioxidant Activity

Fermentation can enhance the antioxidant potential of plant-based skincare ingredients. Antioxidants play a crucial role in neutralizing free radicals and protecting the skin from oxidative stress, which can lead to premature aging and damage. Fermentation processes often increase the concentration and activity of antioxidants present in plant extracts, thereby enhancing their protective effects on the skin.

Improved Product Stability and Shelf Life

Fermentation can improve the stability and shelf life of skincare products. The production of organic acids and other metabolites during fermentation can act as natural preservatives, extending the product's lifespan without the need for synthetic additives. Additionally, fermented skincare products are less prone to oxidation and degradation, ensuring that they retain their efficacy over time.

Enhanced Skin Benefits

Fermentation can amplify the beneficial properties of plant-based skincare ingredients. For example, fermented botanical extracts are often more soothing and gentle on the skin, making them suitable for sensitive or reactive skin types. Fermentation can also help in balancing the skin's microbiome by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria, which can contribute to overall skin health and resilience.

Reduction of Allergens and Irritants

Through fermentation, certain allergens and potential irritants in plant extracts can be broken down or transformed into less reactive forms. This process can make skincare products more tolerable for sensitive skin and reduce the risk of adverse reactions.

Just feels better

Feelings are often overlooked, replaced with facts and figures, quantified with studies. But in the end we're conscious beings, growing an awareness of our bodies and interaction with the world around us. When you wash yourself with products made from living plant matter, using gentle, powerful processes like fermentation, you just feel the difference. There's an aliveness to your skin and hair as you bodies natural systems come to life. We hope you experience this magic as we do. 



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